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Monotonic Alignments Shrink

b_mas(b_attn_map, in_lens, out_lens, width=1)

Applies Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation in parallel to the batches of an attention map. It uses the mas_width1 function internally to perform MAS operation.


Name Type Description Default
b_attn_map ndarray

The batched attention map; a 3D array where the first dimension is the batch size, second dimension corresponds to source length, and third dimension corresponds to target length.

in_lens ndarray

Lengths of sequences in the input batch.

out_lens ndarray

Lengths of sequences in the output batch.

width int

The width for the MAS operation. Defaults to 1.



Type Description

If width is not equal to 1. This function currently supports only width of 1.


Type Description

np.ndarray: The batched attention map after applying the MAS operation. It has the same dimensions as b_attn_map.

Source code in models/tts/delightful_tts/acoustic_model/
def b_mas(
    b_attn_map: np.ndarray,
    in_lens: np.ndarray,
    out_lens: np.ndarray,
    width: int=1) -> np.ndarray:
    r"""Applies Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation in parallel to the batches of an attention map.
    It uses the `mas_width1` function internally to perform MAS operation.

        b_attn_map (np.ndarray): The batched attention map; a 3D array where the first dimension is the batch size, second dimension corresponds to source length, and third dimension corresponds to target length.
        in_lens (np.ndarray): Lengths of sequences in the input batch.
        out_lens (np.ndarray): Lengths of sequences in the output batch.
        width (int, optional): The width for the MAS operation. Defaults to 1.

        AssertionError: If width is not equal to 1. This function currently supports only width of 1.

        np.ndarray: The batched attention map after applying the MAS operation. It has the same dimensions as `b_attn_map`.
    # Assert that the width is 1. This function currently supports only width of 1
    assert width == 1
    attn_out = np.zeros_like(b_attn_map)

    # Loop over each attention map in the batch in parallel
    for b in prange(b_attn_map.shape[0]):
        # Apply Monotonic Alignments Shrink operation to the b-th attention map in the batch
        out = mas_width1(b_attn_map[b, 0, : out_lens[b], : in_lens[b]])

        # Update the b-th attention map in the output with the result of MAS operation
        attn_out[b, 0, : out_lens[b], : in_lens[b]] = out

    # Return the batched attention map after applying the MAS operation
    return attn_out


Applies a Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation with a hard-coded width of 1 to an attention map. Mas with hardcoded width=1 Essentially, it produces optimal alignments based on previous attention distribution.


Name Type Description Default
attn_map ndarray

The original attention map, a 2D numpy array where rows correspond to mel bins and columns to text bins.



Name Type Description
opt ndarray

Returns the optimal attention map after applying the MAS operation.

Source code in models/tts/delightful_tts/acoustic_model/
def mas_width1(attn_map: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    r"""Applies a Monotonic Alignments Shrink (MAS) operation with a hard-coded width of 1 to an attention map.
    Mas with hardcoded width=1
    Essentially, it produces optimal alignments based on previous attention distribution.

        attn_map (np.ndarray): The original attention map, a 2D numpy array where rows correspond to mel bins and columns to text bins.

        opt (np.ndarray): Returns the optimal attention map after applying the MAS operation.
    # assumes mel x text
    # Create a placeholder for the output
    opt = np.zeros_like(attn_map)

    # Convert the attention map to log scale for stability
    attn_map = np.log(attn_map)

    # Initialize the first row of attention map appropriately
    attn_map[0, 1:] = -np.inf

    # Initialize log_p with the first row of attention map
    log_p = np.zeros_like(attn_map)
    log_p[0, :] = attn_map[0, :]

    # Placeholder to remember the previous indices for backtracking later
    prev_ind = np.zeros_like(attn_map, dtype=np.int64)

    # Compute the log probabilities based on previous attention distribution
    for i in range(1, attn_map.shape[0]):
        for j in range(attn_map.shape[1]):  # for each text dim
            prev_log = log_p[i - 1, j]
            prev_j = j

            # Compare with left (j-1) pixel and update if the left pixel has larger log probability
            if j - 1 >= 0 and log_p[i - 1, j - 1] >= log_p[i - 1, j]:
                prev_log = log_p[i - 1, j - 1]
                prev_j = j - 1

            log_p[i, j] = attn_map[i, j] + prev_log

            # Store the position of maximum cumulative log probability
            prev_ind[i, j] = prev_j

    # Backtrack to retrieve the path of attention with maximum cumulative log probability
    curr_text_idx = attn_map.shape[1] - 1
    for i in range(attn_map.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1):
        opt[i, curr_text_idx] = 1
        curr_text_idx = prev_ind[i, curr_text_idx]

    # Mark the first position of the optimal path
    opt[0, curr_text_idx] = 1
    return opt