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Calculates the necessary padding for 'same' padding in convolutional operations.

For 'same' padding, the output size is the same as the input size for stride=1. This function returns two integers, representing the padding to be added on either side of the input to achieve 'same' padding.


Name Type Description Default
kernel_size int

Size of the convolving kernel.



Type Description

Tuple[int, int]: A tuple of two integers representing the number of padding elements to be applied on


left and right (or top and bottom for 2D) of the input tensor respectively.

Source code in models/helpers/
def calc_same_padding(kernel_size: int) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    r"""Calculates the necessary padding for 'same' padding in convolutional operations.

    For 'same' padding, the output size is the same as the input size for `stride=1`. This function returns
    two integers, representing the padding to be added on either side of the input to achieve 'same' padding.

        kernel_size (int): Size of the convolving kernel.

        Tuple[int, int]: A tuple of two integers representing the number of padding elements to be applied on
        left and right (or top and bottom for 2D) of the input tensor respectively.
    # Check if kernel_size is an integer greater than zero
    if not isinstance(kernel_size, int) or kernel_size <= 0:
        raise ValueError("kernel_size must be an integer greater than zero")

    # Determine base padding amount (equal to half the kernel size, truncated down)
    pad = kernel_size // 2

    # Return padding for each side of the kernel. If kernel size is odd, padding is (pad, pad).
    # If kernel size is even, padding is (pad, pad - 1) because we can't pad equally on both sides.
    return (pad, pad - (kernel_size + 1) % 2)


Function returns the device where the model and tensors should be placed.

Returns torch.device: The device where the model and tensors should be placed.

Source code in models/helpers/
def get_device() -> torch.device:
    r"""Function returns the device where the model and tensors should be placed.

        torch.device: The device where the model and tensors should be placed.
    return torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")


Generate a mask tensor from a tensor of sequence lengths.


Name Type Description Default
lengths Tensor

A tensor of sequence lengths of shape: (batch_size, )



Type Description

torch.Tensor: A mask tensor of shape: (batch_size, max_len) where max_len is the maximum sequence length in the provided tensor. The mask tensor has a value of True at each position that is more than the length of the sequence (padding positions).


lengths: torch.tensor([2, 3, 1, 4]) Mask tensor will be: torch.tensor([ [False, False, True, True], [False, False, False, True], [False, True, True, True], [False, False, False, False] ])

Source code in models/helpers/
def get_mask_from_lengths(lengths: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Generate a mask tensor from a tensor of sequence lengths.

        lengths (torch.Tensor): A tensor of sequence lengths of shape: (batch_size, )

        torch.Tensor: A mask tensor of shape: (batch_size, max_len) where max_len is the
            maximum sequence length in the provided tensor. The mask tensor has a value of
            True at each position that is more than the length of the sequence (padding positions).

      lengths: `torch.tensor([2, 3, 1, 4])`
      Mask tensor will be: `torch.tensor([
            [False, False, True, True],
            [False, False, False, True],
            [False, True, True, True],
            [False, False, False, False]
    # Get batch size
    batch_size = lengths.shape[0]

    # Get maximum sequence length in the batch
    max_len = int(torch.max(lengths).item())

    # Generate a tensor of shape (batch_size, max_len)
    # where each row contains values from 0 to max_len
    ids = (
        torch.arange(0, max_len, device=lengths.device)
        .expand(batch_size, -1)
    # Compare each value in the ids tensor with
    # corresponding sequence length to generate a mask.
    # The mask will have True at positions where id >= sequence length,
    # indicating padding positions in the original sequences
    return ids >= lengths.unsqueeze(1).type(torch.int64).expand(-1, max_len)


Initialize embeddings using Kaiming initialization (He initialization).

This method is specifically designed for 2D matrices and helps to avoid the vanishing/exploding gradient problem in deep neural networks. This is achieved by keeping the variance of the outputs of a layer to be the same as the variance of its inputs.


Name Type Description Default
shape Tuple[int, ...]

The shape of the embedding matrix to create, denoted as a tuple of integers. The shape should comprise 2 dimensions, i.e., (embedding_dim, num_embeddings).



Type Description

if the provided shape is not 2D.


Type Description

torch.Tensor: the created embedding matrix.

Source code in models/helpers/
def initialize_embeddings(shape: Tuple[int, ...]) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Initialize embeddings using Kaiming initialization (He initialization).

    This method is specifically designed for 2D matrices and helps to avoid
    the vanishing/exploding gradient problem in deep neural networks.
    This is achieved by keeping the variance of the outputs of a layer to be
    the same as the variance of its inputs.

        shape (Tuple[int, ...]): The shape of the embedding matrix to create, denoted as a tuple of integers.
                                 The shape should comprise 2 dimensions, i.e., (embedding_dim, num_embeddings).

        AssertionError: if the provided shape is not 2D.

        torch.Tensor: the created embedding matrix.
    # Check if the input shape is 2D
    assert len(shape) == 2, "Can only initialize 2-D embedding matrices ..."

    # Initialize the embedding matrix using Kaiming initialization
    return torch.randn(shape) * np.sqrt(2 / shape[1])

pad(input_ele, max_len)

Takes a list of 1D or 2D tensors and pads them to match the maximum length.


Name Type Description Default
input_ele List[Tensor]

The list of tensors to be padded.

max_len int

The length to which the tensors should be padded.



Type Description

torch.Tensor: A tensor containing all the padded input tensors.

Source code in models/helpers/
def pad(input_ele: List[torch.Tensor], max_len: int) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Takes a list of 1D or 2D tensors and pads them to match the maximum length.

        input_ele (List[torch.Tensor]): The list of tensors to be padded.
        max_len (int): The length to which the tensors should be padded.

        torch.Tensor: A tensor containing all the padded input tensors.
    # Create an empty list to store the padded tensors
    out_list = torch.jit.annotate(List[torch.Tensor], [])
    for batch in input_ele:
        if len(batch.shape) == 1:
            # Perform padding for 1D tensor
            one_batch_padded = F.pad(
                batch, (0, max_len - batch.size(0)), "constant", 0.0,
            # Perform padding for 2D tensor
            one_batch_padded = F.pad(
                batch, (0, 0, 0, max_len - batch.size(0)), "constant", 0.0,
        # Append the padded tensor to the list

    # Stack all the tensors in the list into a single tensor
    return torch.stack(out_list)

stride_lens_downsampling(lens, stride=2)

Function computes the lengths of 1D tensor when applying a stride for downsampling.


Name Type Description Default
lens Tensor

Tensor containing the lengths to be downsampled.

stride int

The stride to be used for downsampling. Defaults to 2.



Type Description

torch.Tensor: A tensor of the same shape as the input containing the downsampled lengths.

Source code in models/helpers/
def stride_lens_downsampling(lens: torch.Tensor, stride: int = 2) -> torch.Tensor:
    r"""Function computes the lengths of 1D tensor when applying a stride for downsampling.

        lens (torch.Tensor): Tensor containing the lengths to be downsampled.
        stride (int, optional): The stride to be used for downsampling. Defaults to 2.

        torch.Tensor: A tensor of the same shape as the input containing the downsampled lengths.
    # The torch.ceil function is used to handle cases where the length is not evenly divisible
    # by the stride. The torch.ceil function rounds up to the nearest integer, ensuring that
    # each item is present at least once in the downsampled lengths.
    # Finally, the .int() is used to convert the resulting float32 tensor to an integer tensor.
    return torch.ceil(lens / stride).int()